Wednesday 21 September 2011

21 September 2011

As the end of September draws closer, Excel-lence has made further steps with the website and the forums. 

The first post in the Excel section is now live,  the quest for new members begins. 

The battle with the emailing from the forum continues, and the webhosting tech support team cannot seem to fix the problem, it's getting more than a mere frustration now...

The EXCEL-lence business cards arrived today, they look pretty cool :) and the flyers are close to being posted for delivery. 

It's fast moving, exciting times in the world of EXCEL-lence. 

There are other ideas that are being worked on by the EXCEL-lence team, to hopefully generate some capital to help with the driving forwards of the EXCEL-lence business model. 

As always, keep your ear to the ground, and follow my blog, visit the website and sign up to the forum. It should all be working quite nicely one day soon.. :) the key to a good forum is a lot of good quality members, so please feel free to pop in and register and start posting questions 

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