Friday, 23 September 2011

Another day, another blog

Well another day has gone by...   I'm STILL battling with the email system on my forum, trying to get it to work.

I will shortly start to put up some help topics on the forum once I get it working for emails...

I've also been experimenting with other forum types apart from myBB - I have tried a SMF (Simple Machines Forum) on my website, and it's loaded up OK - but without any icons - how very very VERY frustrating - the issue I have is, I like the look of my existing forum - it looks sweet, and I'm used to the modifications needed now in the myBB admin CP..  just the flipping email WILL NOT WORK argghhhhh

So very very annoying... :)

Anyway - onto my day, I had a productive day today, worked on Google+ - visit me (if you can find me) and pestered some more tech help people...

I decided to take a bit of a break from development tonight, so went out for a walk in the sunset - it was cloudy though, so didn't really see much... 3 squirrels fighting on a tree was pretty cool :)

I gave out my first business card today (Hi Mike) - treasure it - it might be worth a fortune someday

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